TUCSON, AZ | The last leg pf the 2022 Duel in the Desert is right around the corner and is heading back to Tucson, Arizona this October 21st - 23rd! Registration is now open for the Tucson Quarter Midget Association (TQMA). Visit the Tucson Quarter Midget Association's website today to get registered.
Duel Championship Weekend Schedule\
Thursday 10/20 :
12pm - 10pm - Parking
Friday 10/21:
10am - 6pm - Controlled Practice
4pm - 6pm - Sign In/ PIll Draw
6:30pm - TQMA Invites you to dine at the track!
Saturday 10/22 & Sunday 10/23:
9am - 9:30am - Track Prep
9:30am - 10am - Drivers Meeting
10:15am - Heat Races Start